“we got there wednesday afternoon”
From Dayton Hamfest 2016. Posted by Cal Merritt on 5/20/2016 (66 items)
- first we need POWER
- wired to code as usual
- got firewood
- hamvention base camp 1
- dave has been holding out on his tractor collection
- a sad super H farmall
- i am bailing out at this point
- the cool super cat mouse hunter
- poor redneck trailer park
- dave has stuff to sell
- pat doing minor repairs
- this stuff is going to the tractor show up north, not the hamfest
- set up day inside
- this will soon look a lot different
- more set up
- tomorrow this will be packed
- some heathgkit gear
- W8CQ in person
- there is a verity of items in the flea market
- a new guy set up in our old spaces
- excellent hamfest food. smells like burned hair actually
- no winners in our group yet
- uh…..service dog ?
- the main arena is busy now
- radio tower for sale
- crowd picture
- keys
- a main hallway
- flex radios
- pieces parts
- the room is full now, see shot from setup day
- crowd picture
- odd outfit, Scottish ??
- brass CW keys
- see set up day shot, a busy area today
- i never did see what this guy was selling
- mark from RSGB
- he is having a good day
- RSGB has all the good antenna books
- these guys always have the best looking booth
- more keys
- the salvation army booth
- even MORE keys
- steam punk art ??
- the kenmore display
- a killer attack dog
- i need a hat antenna
- he was a good guy
- yaesu vintage radio display
- i owned most of this stuff at one time or another
- these guys always have the best display
- a main arena shot
- interesting display
- some HV parts
- crop dusting at big daves free ham radio operator camping facility
- coming back around
- low
- drawing for prizes starting
- on the way home, accident on east bound I-70
- a bad accident
- a fatality, apparently a reckless and speeding truck caused it
- someone taking their hamfest purchase home
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