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From NMLRA June 2016 National Championship. Posted by Cal Merritt on 6/09/2016 (70 items)
- Base Camp One at K-14
- the camp shack, not busy yet but that will soon change
- Flintlocks INC is set up and open for business now
- these look nice
- mike in person
- he has some very unusual rifles in this rack
- setting up or sold out ?? i can’t tell
- new expanded and remodeled booth
- many rifles for sale here this week
- powder horns
- powder horn art
- glass art
- verity booth
- stuff….a lot of stuff
- Tip Curtis is set up and selling now
- art
- and custom engraving
- if you can’t find that rifle you are looking for here at friendship you might as well…
- nice brass mounted rifle
- detailed bead art
- almost kit parts
- all the big players are here
- at Dixie Gun Works
- Dixie Gun Works chemicals
- the target room where everything happens starting in two days
- my thoughts exactly
- i like this arrangement
- getting a little practice in
- state flags….and some international. I see a Canadian flag EH ?? That is like a w…
- got LED lights in the trees……heh heh
- the rain just stopped at 10 AM and the rest looks good o the RADAR. and the rest of …
- on 6 acre
- horns !!
- more honrs
- horns for flint flash pans
- for filling horns
- primitive tenting
- primitive
- more primitive
- it is getting hot BTW
- there are ample food sources
- the mafia is here……
- there are a lot of flags this year
- night activity at gun makers hall
- rifle blanks
- a very nice display this year inside the gunmakers hall
- that reminds me, i need to get some tickets
- black ops arrival
- gary morgans camper table
- this stuff actually works
- signs
- signs….everywhere signs
- blockig out the scenery…..breaking my mind….
- mim’s made it again this june
- E T Harrison selling the special stock finish
- opening show saturday
- mostly board members
- the crowd watching the opening show
- it is time to rock and roll at the range
- the pirates cove repair bench
- barn dance
- the young kids had a great time
- the band was good
- the taxie to town
- carb and intake system of the right motor
- backup left motor
- back of gun makers hall
- craftsmen at work
- rifiling machine
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