These are my awesome tower pictures. You have all been waiting to see them.
“free standing 120 foot Pirod, steel, free standing”
From Tower construction 2014. Posted by Cal Merritt on 12/22/2015 (81 items)
- every journey starts with the first shovel full of dirt
- 12 x 12 x 4 foot more or less
- the clay digs well
- mike loves to play in the mud
- there was one death during the project
- rebar cage
- this was total commercial overkill on the base
- concrete
- one two truck pour
- mike doing the finish work
- setting up for the base section
- crane
- another view of the boom truck
- the X-7 beam ready to install
- mike going to work
- working at the top
- setting up the 2 meter beam on the antenna test stand
- checking out the 6 meter beam
- this is what a X-7 beam looks like when you take it out of the box
- the 145.29 repeater RX and TX antennas
- another view of the assembled X-7
- hauling up steel
- the base
- this is the front row seating
- nice view of the boom truck
- lowering the all important base section in place
- i did some of the moving of steel with the Boomer 8N tractor
- more steel going up
- steel work
- custom cut and designed top plate and rotor plate
- N0XFU clowning around
- travis could not control his excitement
- the capstone
- mike gets a lot of exercise
- close up on the installed top plate
- looking down from the top working position
- the Cox property to the west, Wayne’s World
- a view of Brock farms
- mike, the tower guy
- dweeb
- 6 meter beam going up
- top repeater receiver antenna on a side mount i made out of angle iron
- the "bonus" tower, more pix on this later
- looking up from the base
- Brock’s new grain elevator which is exactly the same hight
- looking down on the X-7 which went up later, took a bigger boom truck
- AB9D
- Sue and Sadie going for a walk out by the garden.
- close up of the side arm mounts
- the repeater side arms i made hold the RX and TX antennas for the 145.29
- longer view
- surge supressors in a sealed metal box
- all LMR400 out the bottom
- to the trench
- rather than fill this in i put a 2 x 4 on the open trench in case i later wanted to a…
- up and into the militia command and comm center
- 120 feet to the rotor plate
- tower project this time is to replace some poor quality rope with the best stuff
- going up, N0XFU
- one thing to remember is to make one run up and down for a wire antenna is 250 feet o…
- the stuff unrolled well
- don’t look down
- i got a great antenna ideal for this rope
- getting it done
- i was hoping for one trip up but some minor problems made it 1 and 2/3’s trips up
- the main antenna systems
- ground wire bonding to the tower legs, there are three of these
- that is an 8′ copper plated ground rod
- the transient absorber enclosure inside the steel work
- the interior of the metal box
- entry gaskets
- a longer view
- all cables are buried into the militia compound command and communications center
- the long view
- at the top of the 145.29 transmit antenna
- at the base of the 145.29 receiver antenna
- the final push
- hooking up
- repairs were later successful
- it is all downhill from here
- never ever EVER stand directly under a tower and never EVER look up if you are standi…
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